Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Very Squidy Christmas

When we can my friends and I get together and make comics. Here is a Christmas themed one that we did recently:

We call this gathering and these comics "The House of Squid" See more here: http://greasymoose.com/houseofsquid/index.html

Two of the members are animators and this Christmas one was animated by Curtis Smith:


I helped with a couple of backgrounds

Anyway I thought this maybe interesting to some of you guys. I really recommend having fun, creative gatherings like these. You never know what will come out of them! House of Squider Chris (Aka Sexual Lobster) has animated many of these comics: http://www.youtube.com/user/SexuaLobster?feature=g-high-lik

see more of his stuff here: http://www.greasymoose.com/

Merry Christmas everyone!
